Bherulal Patidar Govt PG College



[2307],NAAC Status: A Grade, Registered with UGC Under 2(f) AND under 12(B) Affiliated by Devi Ahiliya Vishwavidyalaya,Indore
Established: 1958

Grievances Redressal

Home / Grievances Redressal

Mechanism of redressal of the Grievances

About The Grievances for Student

A student grievance is a complaint or conflict that a student feels is unfair or unjust. Such as Admission , curriculum, teachers behavior, Administration, Discriminations, Sports, Academic quality, harassment (All type), and Suspension of student related issues.  Students can file grievances for academic or non-academic issues.

Here are some aspects to know about college student grievances:

  • Grievance procedure :-Students can initiate and pursue the grievance procedure as per college bylaws.
  • Grievance redressal cell:- The Student Grievance Redressal Cell (SGRC) provides a platform for students to submit complaints and resolve it.
  • Resolution:-The committee tries to resolve the problem as early as possible. If the problem is related to the university/Higher Education, the committee forwards it to the them.
  • Confidentiality:-The complainant’s identity and matter is kept confidential.
  • Resolution if dissatisfied:-If the student is not satisfied with the college’s efforts, they can directly write an application to the Higher Concern authority.

Academic Grievances

Non-academic Grievances

Grievances for Student

Anti Ragging Committee

Convener - Dr. Archna Agrawal
Co-Convener - Dr. Sunil Khare
Member- Dr. Anita Solanki
Member - Dr. Ranjana Verma

Grievance Redressal Committee & Internal Compliant Committee

Convener - Dr. Vandana Charate (Women Empowerment)
Member - Dr. S.G. Swami(internal familism)
Member - Prof. Sanjay Goyal (student complaint)
Member - Prof. Arpita Solanki
Member - Prof. Neeraj Vaidya
Member - Mr. Ankit Chouhan
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